“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry out: ‘Mine!’” – Abraham Kuyper, theologian and one-time prime minister of Holland
Sit with a small child and he or she will cry out the same thing, "Mine!" They do this when they are jealous and they think someone is going to take their toy away. Their interest is only about themselves and what's in it for them.
God is jealous too, but not like a small child. God's jealousy is not narcissistic and self-absorbed. His jealousy is out of a pure, loving desire to have us be in the center of His loving presence and His work in the world, to be totally under the leadership and protection of His Holy Spirit.
When we go astray, Christ calls out, "Mine!" He wants to protect us and guide us down the right path.
Jesus' call of "Mine!" is for our benefit, but it encompasses ALL of our lives. There are no areas about us that God is not interested in, no places where He doesn't wish to protect and guide us to Himself.
So here is the question for us to consider personally: Do we accept Jesus' claim of "Mine!" as a good thing or a bad thing? I don't mean intellectually. I mean at the the heart level. Does it make you feel at peace with God and open to follow Jesus further or does it make you want to recoil from his presence or rebel and run?
A final question: Are you comfortable with your answer?
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