Tuesday, May 1, 2012

To read or to be read!

When you approach the Bible do you read the text or does the text read you?  What I mean is: are you looking simply to come to a conclusion about what the text means so you can log it away somewhere or are you looking to see where God is speaking to you and directing you through the message of Scripture? 

Those two positions are very far apart. 

Some of the smartest people in the world, with degrees from the most prestigious schools and all kinds of accolades, know a lot about the Bible, but they don’t know God.  They can read the Bible in its original languages and speak intelligently about all the different theological arguments throughout history, but they have never given their lives to Jesus.  They have never come to God as a sinner in need of forgiveness and grace.  They don’t live with God’s righteousness in their hearts.  They do not really seek for God to change them.  In fact, as knowledgeable as they are, they are as lost spiritually as someone who has never picked up a Bible in their life, maybe more so.

Then there are others who desire to please God with their life.  They desperately want to know God in an intimate way.  They pray like David prayed in Psalm 139:23-24:

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

These people know that apart from God and the grace offered through Jesus they have no hope.  They have come to God as sinners.  They have been forgiven of their sins.  They have been given new life in Jesus by grace.  The Holy Spirit lives in their hearts and guides and directs their lives.  They see their lives changing more and more.  Now, with everything they learn, their desire is to be changed and transformed by it.    

I could go on, but you get the difference.

One of the ways to ensure we stay connected with God is by making sure we don’t just read the text, but instead – and more importantly – that we let the text read us.  We open the pages of Scripture not just to do our devotions, complete a task or hear a sermon, but to engage with God.  We want to hear God speak to us and the primary way He does so is through the Holy Spirit speaking to us through Scripture. 

Are you reading the Bible or is it reading you?  Are its teachings informing, shaping, challenging, convicting and leading your everyday life?  That is what we are looking for as Christians.

How are you doing on this one?  What insights can you offer the rest of us?


  1. What I have come to learn in my Bible readings is that they are my Encounter with my Lord daily. First and always starting out in prayer seeking Him to guide me through to the knowledge He has for me that day: then and here is the key I believe is once I finish reading I do not just close the Bible and walk away. I read it again and I wait to hear the message in me, to know this is what He has called me to hear for this day. Far too often we think our devotions and prayers are just us speaking to God, a conversation is two ways we must also listen for Him. Do not set aside five minutes of prayer or scripture reading: instead give God the time He wants from you each day.

    Jim I agree with you on the others, I have known many who know the Bible but knew not our Redeemer. The Bible tells us in 1 John 2:4-6 that there is a distinction between these two types of people.

    Great post Jim.

  2. These are important thoughts Jim. I am constantly reminded and teaching on the importance of reading scripture and letting it be the main avenue through which we learn and are shaped by our King.

    It is a shame that Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons know their bible better than us main stream Evangelical Christians. It is also sad that someone can know the scriptures on a scholarly level and not see Him for who He really is. It's almost like their heart is not open, dark to some extent. ;)

    1. The Bible is revealing, alive and brings hope to a struggling world. It is true and living and helps us no matter what we are going through. Time, taking time is really where I struggle. When I touch the Lord through his word and it shines into my heart, it reveals areas I need God to help me with. It is like the scripture that says "He is the light, and in him there is no darkness at all." More and more I am learning how his Word scatters the darkness. It is revealing and shines the Truth on my heart.
