Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Making the Most of Every Opportunity

Imagine being in the 6th grade with all of the adjustments and problems of growing up and at the same time having to deal with the fact that your Mom abandoned you and your Dad and you just found out you are probably going to have to have major surgery soon . . .

That is the story of one of Abby’s (our oldest daughter) friends from school.  I remember dealing with name calling and all the other harassment that happens to kids at that age, but I didn’t have to go through anything that significant!  Imagine all the questions you would ask yourself.  Imagine all the emotions from sadness to anger and everything in between that you would go through. 

As a Dad and a Father I cannot even begin to think of all the questions and emotions I would be going through if I were in the same position.  The weight is unbelievable!

As far as we know they are not Christians and are not connected to a church in any meaningful way.  This means they have no connection to the eternal kind of hope that we have as Christians.  It also means that they have no spiritual family to hold their hands and walk with them through this most difficult time.

Sadly, the likelihood that they will just get up one morning and decide to go to a church on their own is next to zero.  It’s not because they are against the church or angry with God.  It’s just that they would never think that the church has any real help to offer them.  Their attitude towards the church would be the same as their attitude about the Lion’s Club.  They just don’t see any helpful connection to where they are living.

As followers of Jesus we know that isn’t so, but what are we to do?  I am sure all of us know situations like this with people we work with, go to school with, live nearby, etc.  It’s everywhere.  What are we to do?

Jesus said we are to be “salt” to a world that is tasteless and “light” to a world that is dark (Matthew 5:13-16).  Paul said this to the Colossian church, “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:5). 

Abby is making every opportunity to try to be a witness for Christ with her friend, but there is a rare opportunity coming up that she hopes to take advantage of:

The Power Team will be visiting our church Tuesday May 20th at 6:30.  It’s going to be quite a show as men do all kinds of feats of strength to entertain the crowd, but also to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  This will be an opportunity that will plant and water lots of seeds amongst people who would never otherwise come to a church. 

We hope to make the most of this opportunity and challenge you to do the same!  Abby’s friend and her Dad are just one of those families we are inviting.  How about you?

Don’t say anyone’s NO for them.  Invite early and invite often and let’s see what God will do!

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