Friday, May 29, 2009

Looking at the other side of the coin

You know that every coin has two sides. Both sides have different inscriptions and different images, but they are still the same coin.

In a book I've been reading called Christianity Beyond Belief, Todd Hunter has been suggesting that we change the way we think about evangelism and the Christian life.

You know the old Evangelism Explosion question, "Suppose that you were to die tonight and stand before God and he were to say to you, "Why should I let you into my heaven?" What would you say?

Instead, Hunter asks these questions:

What if you knew you were going to live tomorrow?
If we knew we were going to live tomorrow and for a long time thereafter, if we believed we were eternal beings by nature, what would we do?
Who would we follow?
Around what narrative would we organize the various aspects of our life? (pg. 25)

Later, he illustrates how the common biblical principle of repentance would look with these new questions. He says that becoming a Christian means one will align their belief and behavior with the truth and story of Jesus and that they would live by His example through the power of the Holy Spirit. He writes:

Alignment means falling into a set (story) line, being in the correct position relative to the (plot) line. This is a great way to understand the repentance called for by the prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus and the New Testament writers. Alignment through repentance is simple cooperation with the story of God, which is a good definition of what it means to be a Christian. Of secondary importance is the fact that it avoids God's wrath. But our motive is positive embodiment, not negative avoidance. I want to align my life with things that generate respect, gratitude and awe, not fear. (pg. 60)

Salvation through Jesus Christ delivers us from the power of sin and death, through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for us. Jesus offers us the gift of His forgiveness as an act of grace that we simply accept through faith. This gift cancels the power of sin in our lives and makes us an adopted son or daughter of God, brand new persons. AND BRAND NEW PERSONS HAVE A NEW LIFE TO LIVE AND A NEW PURPOSE FOR LIVING IT!

In this way, I am saved for new life in Christ far more than I am saved from God's judgement and wrath. Both are true and both are vitally important, but the new life is the key to the future. That is the real gift that should dive my life today.

This is a powerful idea to me. As I reflect on it, it seems like the other side of the same coin.

What do you think? Is this really two sides of the same coin or is it something else? Let's talk about it.


  1. I agree that these are two sides to the same coin. There has been much more emphasis on "saved from" than "saved for". And so we are saved for new life in Christ, but what does that mean for NOW? John Eldredge writes in "Waking The Dead" that he came across a quote from Irenaeus, "The glory of God is man fully alive". That sent him on a path of searching the scriptures where he found what he concluded was that what we are offered is life and it is missed most of the time. John 10:10 "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full". John 6:48 "I am the bread of life". Prov. 4:23, Ps. 16:11, John 1:4, John 5:40, Acts 5:20. So the promise is life but does it stop there? Many will say that eternal life is for when you die and go to heaven. Ps. 27:13 "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living". Luke 18:29-30. Eldredge argues that eternal means unending, not later. I am coming to agree with him and just beginning to work out the implications of all this in my own life.

  2. Hey, I really am able to post after my daughter, of the younger generation, naturally, set up a google account for me.
    The book, Christianity Beyond Belief, is so worth reading! It actually did make me think more about our purpose in living. Would like to say more about this in another post. Later!
