Friday, December 4, 2009

Signs of Life

“What is the primary purpose of man? To glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” - The Westminster Confession
This ancient line seems to sum up the main point of what it means to be a Christian. Since I am a recipient of the wonderful and gracious love of God through Jesus, I have received the forgiveness of my sins, the redemption and salvation of my soul. Having received this gift, my only possible response is gratitude. I am thankful for what I received. Out of that growing sense of thankfulness a love grows for God and for other people. And out of that love grows a sense of purpose for living. I live then to glorify God with my life and enjoy His loving presence along with others.

"The glory of God is man fully alive." - Irenaus
God granted me the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ in order to make me fully alive. I understand that I was dead apart from Him. Now I am alive with Him. That is real life and God wants me to experience a full and real and everlasting life with Him.

“I receive from God the gift of the Holy Spirit Who begins to interpret to me what Jesus did; and does in me subjectively all that Jesus Christ did in me objectively.” - Oswald Chambers
God wants me to have this full life so much that He granted me His Holy Spirit to live in my life. He did this immediately upon receiving His gift of salvation. And it is the presence of the Spirit that is making me alive and showing me how to live this full life.

Where do I see these signs of life? I see them in the way I talk to people. I see them in the values I try to uphold. I see them in the way I handle my money. I see them in the way I treat people. I don't mean to say that I have arrived or that I am even way ahead. What I mean to say is that I see them most later, when I reflect on how I handled something God's way verses how I would have handled the situation before, my way. Those are real signs of life aren't they?

Where are your signs of life?


  1. I do realize that I am asking a question instead of answering the one that was posed....however, was just wondering!! Well,was stated that the holy spirit is given as soon as one accepts the Lord, or becomes a christian, right? So remember about the people being told wait until....before going out to witness? Something like that? At one point, in some denominations, this was called a second work of grace? This is probably not important, just wondering. Great article, and I simply try to do each day the things that I feel the Lord puts in my path for me to do.Good enough?

  2. Where are your signs of life?

    They are encapsulated in righteous living, and become worthy - when used in a manner that is - becoming, and glorifying to God.
