Friday, April 16, 2010

The Nature of Evil

My friend Doug Tipps adapted a simple definition of evil from writer Scott Peck. Here is what Doug said:
“Evil is the willingness to sacrifice the emotional, physical or spiritual well-being of another person in order to protect your own sick self.”
I've been working all week on a message for our series Questions I've NEVER asked out loud . . . but always wanted to. The question for this week is Why do bad things happen to good people? That question can be approached from a lot of different angles, but in reality its a question about evil, where it comes from, why it exists and how God works in, around and through it.

While I'm not trying to outdo centuries of thought on this subject in a few lines of a blog, I wonder if we could think about this for a moment without being overly simplistic or trite.

We know biblicaly that evil entered the picture at the same time sin did - in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3. Since that time, human beings have devised all kinds of ways to rebel against God, hurt themselves and hurt each other. Romans 1:21 argues:
"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened."
Paul goes on to list a litany of sin and corruption that was practiced because of humanity's refusal to glorify and honor God. Then he summarizes the section with Romans 1:32:
"Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things (sinse mentioned in 1:22-31) deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."
While it is the truth, it's not enough to just say evil is caused by sin. For those of us who are Christians, I believe we need to cultivate a faith perspective and an eternal perspective. That is where we can develop the capacity we need endure evil ourselves or offer support others.

What would be your simple definition of evil? How would you offer comfort and support to people who suffer through trammas and tragedies, especially those outside of their control? How do we oursleves live with hope and faith when evil comes our way?


  1. I'll offer a different look at the question "Why do bad things happen to good people?" I think the question also is about the reverse of praising God for blessings. If everything comes from God, and we give Him thanks for the good things, when bad things happen to us, isn't it logical to blame Him and maybe turn away? Something bad that happened to a Christian friend of mine turned me away from Him for several years. It just didn't make sense to me that she had such a hard life when she loved God. It took me a long time to understand that we see life on such a flat plane. God sees it from every angle. He knows what is best for us in every situation, even though we can't see it. We have to have faith that He is omniscient and knows best. Thanks be to God I have that faith now.

  2. Great insight Debbie . . . We do tend to look at things from such a self-centered perspective. We also tend to have a "what have you done for me lately" attitude.

  3. (Q) How would you offer comfort and support to people who suffer through traumas and tragedies, especially those outside of their control?

    (C) Good question. To meet the challenge ask above, some background on the situation is necessary - as to what the person(s') personal needs are.

    It is normal for most people in a situation of this type, at times, to feel alone and helpless.

    Also the person making the calls should be knowledgeable of the social services that are available for indigent care.

    One place to start, after the "homework" has been done, and a personal contact is in progress, ask the person, and others, if necessary, what are your needs, and how can I, or others help?

    And with surety, allay any and all thoughts that the person might have, that their condition was - God's fault. God is about Love.

    Some "cases" are temporary/liviable, others are terminal, when God is totally involved in either, the best is yet to come.

    Helping those in need, is a God-given attribute. After prayer time with the person(s), if possible, leave on a positive note.

    ps - Evil - is an unholy act.

  4. EVIL,Harmful,tending to injure -anything that lessens or destroys happiness or welfare,wrong doing or moral wickedness. Sin, on the other hand, is said to be doing an act contrary to God's will,or to do that which is wrong. This from Webster's Elementary Dictionary.Interesting, evil so much heavier. In thinking of being able to support people who have problems, or when we have problems of our own,I think of Joseph in Egypt. He realized that even though his brothers meant it for evil, God used it for good.Also, from Life Application Bible,"...because Satan is always battling against us who are on the Lord's side, we need supernatural power to defeat satan, and God has provided that to us by giving us His Holy Spirit within us and His armor surrounding us. If you feel discouraged remember Jesus words to Peter "On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overvome it (Matt.16:18.) HSM
