Friday, April 9, 2010

Nothing Left to Say

As I thought all day about writing this blog I realized I didn't have much to say - nothing really pithy anyway. I thought about asking how we could continue to keep the same zeal and fervent energy that we see in churches on Easter Sunday. I thought about continuing some of our earlier discussions on sin or holiness or discipleship. There sure is much more that we could say on those subjects that is worthwhile. But alas, nothing stirred me up enough to write.

Then I looked at the end of my desk toward a day calendar someone gave me for Christmas. It has a different scripture verse for each day designed and portrayed in an interesting, artistic way. Here is the verse it had for today:
I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! - Job 19-25-27
Now I just read that - at 3:41 in the afternoon - for the first time today. I am struck by the power of those words. The profound promise of that text just grabs me!

I am all in on that promise. I stake my reputation, my time, my energy, my earthly resources, my talents and abilities, indeed, my very life in faith that this promise is true!

And with that . . . I have nothing left to say.

Can you do the same? How does it impact your life?

1 comment:

  1. Aside from the truth of the scripture, surely Job 19:25-27 is one of the most beautiful verses in the bible.A few years ago I spent a great deal of time walking and used the time to memorize scripture.Loved this one so much.After reading the blog went looking to see what my Life Application Bible had to say about it.Very interesting. Says,"when the book of Job was written, Israel did not have a well-developed doctrine of the resurrection. Although Job struggled with the idea that God was presently against him, he firmly believed that in the end God would be on his side.This belief was so strong that Job became one of the first to talk about the resurrection of the body." See Psalms16:10, Isaiah 26:19,and Daniel 12:2-13. Thanks for a great Blog! HSM
