Friday, May 7, 2010

Where I am or Who I am?

Paul boldly stated in Romans 8:1-2:
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.
That short passage of scripture makes clear what the two opposing sides are:

God's Side - the law of the Spirit of life
Evil/Satan's Side - the law of sin and death

The primary purpose of God's sending Jesus to earth wasn't to give us a good example to follow or even to teach what really is right and wrong. Jesus did both of those things, but that wasn't the main purpose for His coming to earth. The main purpose was to be a sacrifice for the sin that divided us from God and to erase the power of death to separate us from God. He did that on the cross and in His resurrection from the dead.

He broke the power of sin and death over our lives and offers us the opportunity to live under a new power - the Spirit of life in Christ. That life in the Spirit will transform us and help us live the life we were created to live all along. In Romans 8:28 Paul says that we are "predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son." We - all of us, Christian and non-Christian - have been pre-purposed to become people who look like Jesus. The issue is not who is pre-purposed or not, but rather who will receive Jesus and live by the Spirit of life.

So, if this is true, is there a specific plan for my life - to live in certain places and do certain things - or is the plan more fluid? In other words, does God care most about who I am or where I am?

One more thing. If this is true, how do I know if God's plan for me is going according to plan?

While I really want to dialogue about this subject with you and don't want to close off discussion, I will share where I come out. I believe the issue is who I am and who I am becoming. Am I a follower of Jesus and am I being conformed more and more into His likeness? I can know if my life is going according to plan if I can say He is the Lord (Leader) of my life and that my life (the things I say, think and do) reflects Him more today than it used to.

How do you see your life in line with God's plan and purpose for you?


  1. Well said. Lot’s to chew on.

  2. Such an ineresting subject.In reading the body of the blog, find it, essentially, something we hear taught in church services, on television,and in many books, and agree with. as a general rule. However, the question,"Does God care more about who I am or where I am?", is something that I have not heard discussed.I have spent a great deal of time thinking about this. Not so much about the person who becomes a christian late in life, but the ones who, from the time they are a child, become a follower of Jesus, and continue through out life, but who do not stay close to the Lord..not talking about losing their salvation, but make some bad choices along the way, which in life, causes their service to God to go in a different direction.(Talk about a straggling sentence!). Anyway,Know that God's Grace is sufficient to care for that. Do believe we need to be careful in teaching our children, not in words, necessarily, but in the words WE USE, the way we dress, etc. Things are so casual , seems almost anything goes, even with us, as christians. Such a great thought and writing this week. Always appreciate this Blog. HSM HSM
