If we are uncomfortable associating with sinners, then we might want to think twice about spending eternity in heaven. Heaven is for sinners who face their sin; hell is for those who refuse to see. One of the ironic similarities between heave and hell is that no one in either place thinks they got what they deserve. (pg. 58)So, people in heaven realize they received God's mercy and grace - not what they deserved - and were awarded heaven, while people in hell did not receive God's mercy and grace because they didn't think they needed it or refused to accept it. Either way, they didn't think they deserved hell, but that is exactly what they got.
What do you think about his thought? Do you believe it is accurate? How would you respond further?
Have tried so hard to let this go! No way!Just ordered the book.Really tried to put it out of my mind, but the logic of the quote was too much.Had anyone, other than the one who posted the blog,found it ok, would have let it go, maybe!Well, think about it,"If we are uncomfortable associating with sinners, then we might want to think twice about spending eternity in Heaven..." I am sure that once I have read the book, I will understand where the author was going with that.The best part of this blog, to me, was that it painted a picture of the people in both heaven and hell.Have friends who are, so, not ready for heaven. Made me aware of my responsibility in doing every thing I can to change that.The pastor of 1st Bapt., Dallas, made this remark in a service," When people ridicule one for speaking on hell, fire, and brimstone, they are actually ridiculing the words of Jesus." Somehow this blog brought that to mind.How busy we need to be for the salvation of our unsaved friends.Thought provoking blog! HSM