Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks

I remember when I was a kid sitting around the Thanksgiving table and being forced to give thanks for something. We went around the table and everyone had to say something they were thankful for. It was a perfectly good exercise, but I hated it. I hated having to come up with something to say. Forced thankfulness didn't work for me.

Now I am older and hopefully a bit wiser and God is teaching me how to be thankful, really thankful. This is a spiritual quality that all who claim Christ have by gift. It is natural because of the Holy Spirit's work in us and it isn't forced.

I wonder - and since we are not sitting around a table I can get away with this - if we could also spend a moment really thanking God for His salvation, His presence and His blessing in our lives.

Then, if you want to, why don't you share one thing you are thankful for

I will start: I am genuinely thankful that God has given me friends who really look out for me, who really "get me" and who I can count on no matter what.


  1. Giving Thanks on a 24/7 basis is not a requirement, but a privilege, every one has something to be thankful for, some more than others.

    Giving thanks on a routine basis(daily), is no more than being grateful for God's - looking out for us, and in my case, I'm living proof that God's graces/blessing do exist, for which I am very thankful, repeatedly.

    In summary, be thankful, give thanks, and always respond in a manner that is subject to thanks. Most like to be recipients of goodwill, and, it is a street that runs both ways, honor it, by reciprocating, it doesn't cost, it pays. God loves a grateful heart.

  2. So many things to be thankful for,hard to choose one,however on this Thanksgiving day, will have to say... my parents. Have spent some time wondering what direction my life might have taken if they had not taught me about God when I was a child.How can I ever say thanks for having had the loving care of our Heavenly Father for all of these years? HSM
