“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” – Psalm 19:14
This is a powerful and challenging passage of scripture that hits us right where we live every day, everywhere.
If the words coming out of our mouths were pleasing to God, would they be different words from the ones we normally utter? The things that we say matter a great deal. We have the power with our words to build someone up or tear them down, to speak the truth or a lie, to point someone to Jesus or to lead them away from Him.
If the meditations of our heart, the things we think about and dwell on, were pleasing to God, would they be different? The things we think about may even matter more than our words sometimes. If we think about something long enough we are going to act on it. Nearly everything we do, whether good or evil, is a result of something we have thought about ahead of time. If our hearts are seeking after Godly things then Godly words and actions will likely follow.
If God is my Rock and Redeemer how does that change the equation of my life? A rock is something secure, immovable, something that can always be counted on. A redeemer is one who buys people out of slavery or bondage of some kind. They are hopelessly trapped, but the redeemer sets them free. If God is my Rock and my Redeemer then everything in my life is affected by that reality. There is not a single thing that is outside of God’s concern, not a single thing that He is unaware of. In fact, God is keenly aware of what is going on with us and, as a result, He has offered us redemption. At the same time His ways and His character never change. We can count on them no matter what.
I don’t completely understand how this all shakes out in my life, but I am thankful for it. I am also challenged as well. I want everything in my life to be pleasing to God. And when it isn’t, I want to repent and run to Him for forgiveness and another taste of the redemption He has granted me through Jesus.
How does this verse encourage, challenge or speak to you? How are your words and thoughts?
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