Friday, October 22, 2010

Would your case be dismissed?

William Wilberforce, a member of Parliament in England in the 18th century and fierce advocate for the abolition of slavery, wrote a book called Real Christianity. In it he makes the case that many of us are nominal Christians because we go to church, live reasonably moral lives and acknowledge a belief in God. We have been conditioned to think that is the real thing when it is nothing like the real thing. He makes this powerful statement:
"Our behavior is so conformed to cultural standards that if we were put on trial as a Christian, the case might be dropped for lack of evidence." (pg. 89)
What are the evidences of change in your life? What are the evidences of change in mine?

Here are some examples of change the Bible gives us:
John 3:1-21
Romans 12:1-2
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Galatians 2:20
Ephesians 2:1-10

Those are just a few of the biblical examples of transforming change that happens - and should happen - in all of us. Christians should be the most joyful, winsome, peaceful and loving people because of the work of God in their life. People should be attracted to us in every respect, not because of us per se, but because of the evidences of the life of Jesus in us, coming out of us.

What are the evidences of change in your life? What concrete examples can you point to where God has transformed your life?

I will tell you one from me: Since God has transformed my life, my speech is no longer controlled by foul language and course talking. That was a gift from God and one I am greatly thankful for.

How about you?


  1. Will my case be dismissed? If you are speaking in a spiritual sense, then you should be 100% - safe, provided you have met God's requirements - for such.

    Everyone should be seen/treated, as a child of God, i.e., one of the flock, in/with everyday concerns. True, there are some black sheep amongst the herd, but for the most part, in our immediate culture, we are all equals, in God's sight.

    If we want to be a happy camper, then we need to be in the program, and play by the rules. God's invitation is all inclusive, join in, if you haven't already.

  2. As I read, and reread this blog, kept thinking of a part of a quote, " thine own self be true." The reason for this, I had almost decided that, because of my age, and stage in life, that some of the things that I believed were out dated,and really had little ,or nothing, to do with my life as a Christiian . To read, and realize that the younger generation suggest that we need to be careful of the things we say and the way that we live in our everyday life, was so helpful.Sound funny to say? Well . because of the influence of our friends who are not christian, so easy to accept their lifestyle, or their normal. After all, they are really good people in most ways. Back to the quote, by Shakespeare,"This above all to thine own self be true and it must follow, as night the day,Thou canst not then be false to any man." Not from the Bible, but says a lot.Feels good to realize that , old as I am, the values that I hold are as good today as when I learned them.To conform to the beliefs of others, just to please, would not honor God, and would be wrong for me.Each of us must work out our Salvation...with fear and trembling? Philippians 2.12.Have really appreciated this blog, somehow cleared my thinking on this subject. HSM
