English Puritan pastor Jeremiah Burroughs wrote these words in his book The Evil of Evils over 300 years ago:
There’s a great mistake in the world in the matter of trouble for sin. They think repentance or mourning for sin is but one act, that if once they have been troubled for sin they need never be troubled anymore. It is a dangerous mistake, for we need to know that true sorrow for sin, true repentance, is a continual act that must abide all our lives. And it is not only at that time when we are afraid that God will not pardon our sins, when we are afraid that we shall be damned for our sins, but when we come to hope that God will, yes, when we come to know that God has pardoned our sins.
How do you react to this statement?
As you grow in Christ, how do you respond to sin that seems to continually show up in your life?
Do you need God’s forgiveness more or less the longer you are a follower of Jesus?
I have found that the longer I am in Christ the more and more I am aware of how much God has done to transform me and how much more He still needs to do to fully conform me into the image of Jesus. I can never be too far along that I don’t stand in need of God’s grace, forgiveness and help. As a result of this, I still find times in my life where I grieve over sin and am stirred to repentance and change as a result.
How about you? What is your story?
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